Collected tips from Intelbet users from the first blog post and analyzed materials on the Internet. We made a list of caveats that seemed logical. We share.
Do not consider betting as the main way to earn money, especially at the start
Watching football, hockey and any sporting match is more interesting when money is at stake. At times, you can get a profit. But don’t rely on bets as a source of income. There is already a side that makes money on this, and these are bookmakers.
The 토토 사이트 bookmakers put a margin in their lines, which helps them to always be in the black. And that’s fair. The offices were created not for the players to earn, but for the gamblers to have fun and get more pleasure from watching sports events.
Do not bet more than 5-10% of the game bank
Never gamble for the full amount, even if you are completely sure of your bet. Better bet on 10-20 separate matches. For example, we have 100 euros a month that we can lose. Tomorrow we can bet € 10 on Liverpool’s victory in the Liverpool-Leicester match. Or we can bet € 5 on Liverpool to win and € 5 on Burnley to win in Huddersfield vs. Burnley . When the outcome is known, we will place the next bet based on the amount remaining in the account.
Don’t be fooled by match-fixing information
It is almost impossible to find information on a match-fixing on the Internet. The organizers are interested in keeping the information secret. The more limited the circle of people who know about the agreement, the more informed people will be able to get from the bookmaker.
It is also illegal. Organizers and participants can be prosecuted. If you received information, made a bet, and the fake match was exposed, then the winnings may not be paid, and you may be attached to the fake persons. At the very least, this will result in the blocking of the bookmaker’s account.
Do not bet in small illegal offices
The same principle works here as with large banks, real estate offices and credit institutions. The larger and more serious the enterprise, the more it values its reputation. It doesn’t cost a small bookmaker one-day to shut down and take all your money. When choosing, pay attention to the reviews of bookmaker’s clients. For example, you can see the people’s rating and read the comments and complaints about each bookmaker.
Don’t bet on everything
Choose an area that interests you. For example, if you watch football, then place your 은꼴 bets on football matches. Moreover, those that you are looking at. We repeat that bets are primarily intended to get more pleasure from watching the game through healthy excitement. If you bet on everything, instead of more interest in the sport, you can only get the annoying feeling that the bets were not played.
There are a myriad of options. For example, BC Paddy Power once accepted bets on who will come to Trump’s inauguration, how long the speech will last and what phrases he will say.